
Apply Kansas Helps CGHS Seniors

Nobody ever tells you how hard or stressful it is to be a senior. You have to figure out what you want to be, apply to a college that best fits you, keep your grades up, and be a role model all at the same time. Luckily, seniors were given the opportunity to apply to these colleges.

Trailblazing Morris County To Be Topic Of Discussion Thursday

There will be a meaningful discussion about “Trailblazing Morris County,” the Greater Morris County Development Corporation’s outcome-driven initiative to strengthen our county’s economy. The five-year strategic plan (2023-2027) includes input from 125 business and county leaders and focuses on workforce development, housing, business retention/ expansion/recruitment, and community development and marketing.

MCH Drops Mandatory Masks

Thanks to a modified position on masking for healthcare workers, issued by both CDC and KDHE, the Board of Morris County Hospital and its Clinics has authorized staff to take a relaxed masking position as well, effective 7 a.m., Wednesday, October 12, 2022. As our county’s current 7 day rolling average of positive COVID testing per 100,000 population is at 71, or less than 100, the hospital and clinics are eligible to make mask wearing as a recommendation inside the facilities, but not a requirement. The particular handful of conditions for staff continuing to wear masks will be handled via a revised in-house policy.


Council Grove Republican

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