
Former Council Grove Resident Wows Ducks With His Calls
Former Council Grove Resident Wows Ducks With His Calls
Former Council Grove Resident Wows Ducks With His Calls

Former Council Grove Resident Wows Ducks With His Calls

Brent Smitheran, a 1996 graduate of Council Grove High School Class and now a long-time math and computer science teacher in Spring Hill, Kansas, has developed quite an interesting crafting hobby that has become a business. Smitheran’s father Carl Smitheran taught shop, so Brent learned how to make things with his hands and felt the satisfaction of making something himself rather than going to the store to buy it. Because his mother was leery of guns, Smitheran did not start hunting until his Emporia State University days when he would hunt quail and pheasant around the Flint Hills with college friends.

To Marry October 14

To Marry October 14

Steve and Michelle Skerce announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their daughter Kayleigh Marie Skerce, to Tryntan Layne Buchman, son of Dennis and Shari Buchman. Both are graduates of Council Grove High School.


Council Grove Republican

P.O. Box 237

302 W. Main

Council Grove, KS 66846


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